Odessa National Maritime Academy

Sea Navigation Faculty

Speciality: “Navigation”

Specialization: “Deep-Sea Navigation”, “Cargo transportation, Chartering and Agency Service”

The profession of a navigator is extremely crucial on board a ship; it requires comprehensive education. Navigators’ service has always been a synthesis of knowledge of numerous fundamental sciences and modern technologies.

Training course of future navigators includes English Language, Navigation, Pilotage, Nautical Astronomy, Ship Construction, Maritime International Law, Ship Control, Economics, Management of Fleet and Technology Cargo Carriage, Commercial Operation of a Vessel and some other disciplines, which form knowledge and skills, necessary for a future leader.

The currulum makes a provision of shipboard training onboard sea going ships, which is 12 months long. After four years of studies a cadet is granted a bachelor’s degree (diploma), an international certificate of competency and all necessary certificates, required for performing the duties of officer in charge of a navigational watch.

Graduates having bachelor’s degree may go on with their studies up to the level of a specialist or a master. The term of studies is 1.5 years. The certificate of specialist or master allows professional growth up to the rank of deep sea captain.

The graduates of the faculty successfully work both on board sea-going ships and in many branches of the industry, as well as at many management positions.

Maritime and Inland Waterway Navigation Faculty

The faculty was established in 1993 on the basis of Deep-Sea Navigation Faculty. Since 1975 a trend towards fleet specialization has become wider. The development of European inland waterways as well as improvement of cargo transportation have caused a desperate need in navigators who specialize in “Navigation on Sea and Inland Water Ways”.

After the USSR disintegration, Russia has been training hydrographers for marine industry. Therefore a separate department of hydrography and sea geodesy has been formed.

Since 1999 navigators-dredger operators have also been trained. The candidates who have completed Technical fleet college are being accepted to continue their education. During their studies cadets have practical training on modern navigational simulators in Hitech Meteorology, Navigation and Sailing Directions, Hydrography and Sea Geology Laboratories.

The faculty includes the following departments: Navigation on Sea and Inner Water ways, Hydrography and Sea Geodesy, Theory and Ship’s Construction, English Language in Hydrography and Sea Radiocommunication, Safety and Security at Sea.

The graduates can occupy the position of navigators on seagoing ships without any limitations as well as in accordance with the obtained specialization: on river vessels of mixed sailing type “river-sea”, technical service vessels, hydrographic and research ships.

They can also work at the enterprises of the appropriate field.

Speciality: “Navigation”

Specialization: “Navigation on Sea and Inner Water Ways”, “Sea-going Hydrographic Ships’ Navigation”, “Technical Service Ships’ Navigation and Dredging Operations”

The Engineering Faculty

Direction of training: 1003 “Navigation and Ships’ Power Plants”

Speciality: 8.100302 “Ships’ power plants operation”

Specialization: “Ships’ power plants operation” “Ships’ power and refrigerating plants operation”

The Engineering faculty has been functioning since the Academy was founded. Nowadays this faculty is a powerful educational, scientific complex, capable to train highly-qualified ship’s engineers. The level of these engineers corresponds to international requirements. It is provided by highly-qualified teaching staff. There are 28 laboratories up-to-date-equipped with facilities and simulators at this faculty.

The faculty trains: bachelors of ships’ power engineering, the term of training – 4 years; specialists in control of ships’ power plants, the term of training – 1,5 years; masters of ships’ power plants, the term of training – 1,5 years.

The Engineering faculty includes the following departments: Fleet Operation and Maintenance; Ship’s Power Plants; Ship’s Refrigerating and Auxiliary Plants and Systems and their Operation; Ship’s Heat-power Engineering; Safety of Life at Sea; Theoretical Mechanics; Technology of Materials and Ship’s Repair; English Language in Ships` Engineering Department.

Highly qualified teachers, engineers, instructors, the majority of which have practical maritime experience work at chairs, laboratories, training centers. More than 60% of teachers have academic degrees of candidates and doctors of science and academic statuses assistant professors and professors.

Teachers and post-graduates of the faculty conduct research work connected with the promotion of efficiency of ships’ power plants control, the results of which are published in collected articles “Ships’ Power Plants”, accredited by Higher Accreditation Committee. 3-4 Ph. D. theses are defended at the faculty annually. Graduates of this faculty can work as ship’s universal engineers of all levels and on all types of vessels. They can operate and maintain power plants of different capacity. They can work at shipyards on offshore rigs; at shipping companies; at developer and scientific organizations; at the appropriate higher educational institutions.

Since 2005 training of ship’s engineers and mechanics has been conducted in compliance with Bologna Declaration and credit-modular system of educational process’ organization, which helps to upgrade the quality of training, to enter the European space of higher education and world labor market.

Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty

The Faculty was formed in 2003 on the basis of Electrical Engineering Faculty (founded in 1944) and the Faculty of Radioelectronics (founded in 1991).

This integration helped to concentrate powerful scientific, educational and technical resources within one structural unity, to increase the efficiency of cadets’ training in the field of ships’ electrical equipment, electronic devices and control systems, maritime radiocommunicational and navigational systems.

Training standards of specialists in “Electrical Systems and Complexes of Transport Means” take into account the growth of ships’ power equipment, increase of the number of electrically-propelled ships, modern evolution level of electric automatics and computerized control technologies. Graduates of this speciality are wide profile ships specialists. They are able to operate effectively not only electrical equipment and automatic systems, but also a ship power plant.

The graduates get the “III class electrician” certificate and international certificate of officer in charge of an engineering watch according to the STCW Code Requirements.

Training standards of specialists in “Radioelectronic Devices, Systems and Complexes” meet the requirements of modern progress in radioelectronics, terrestrial and satellite communication and navigation systems, computer techniques. Cadets obtain thorough knowledge in modern digital communication technology, wireless land area networks (WLAN) and mobile communication.

The graduates get international Radioelectronic’s certificate according to the STCW Code Requirements. The Faculty possesses modern simulator facilities, on which the cadets undergo their training.

The departments incorporated into the Faculty are the following: Higher Mathematics; Principles of Ship Electric Power Engineering; Ships’ Electrical Machines and Automatically Controlled Drives; Ships’ Electrical Equipment and Automation; Maritime Radio Communication; Fundamentals of Radio Engineering. The graduates majoring in their specific fields are employed on vessels as marine engineers, electrical engineers and radio engineers.

They also work at ship-repairing yards and for shipping companies, in on-shore radio centers, ports, scientific research institutes, telecommunication companies, designing organizations, higher educational establishments.

Speciality: “Electric Systems and Complexes of Transport Means”

Specialization: “Operation and Maintenance of Ship’s Automated Systems”;

Speciality: “Radioelectronic Appliances, Systems and Complexes”

Maritime Law Faculty

Speciality: “Jurisprudence”;

Specialization: “Maritime Law” Speciality: “Management of Organization”; Specialization: “Management of Organizations of Sea Transportation”

According to the licenses and the certificate of accreditation Specialities: Jurisprudence, Management, Specialization: Maritime Law, Management of Sea Transportation Organizations of The Ministry of Education and Science the maritime law faculty is preparing maritime lawyers and managers of organizations of maritime transportation. The first admission in the speciality “Jurisprudence” and specialization “Maritime Law” took place in 1995. “Management of Organizations of Sea Transportation” accepted the first students in 2004.

The faculty consists of 8 departments: Administrative and Criminal Law, Civil and Labor Law, Management and Economy on the Maritime Transport, Economic Theory and Business Undertakings on a Marine transport, Maritime Law, Ukrainian Culture and Language, Physical Education and Philosophy. The high level of professional training of cadets is carried out by the teachers of the highest qualification – professors and docents. 8 professors and doctors of science, 33 docents and candidates of science work at the department.

Teaching staff takes part in developing the maritime legislation and economic programs of improving the development in Ukraine. They also represent Academy in the work of the International Assembly of maritime organization and its committees, and also in the international economic forums.

The faculty supports the partnership relations with the corresponding departments of maritime, law and economic universities of Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine etc. The training of specialists is carried out according to the curriculums and the programs of disciplines, based on the demands of the International Conventions.

Practical training is an essential part of educational process: general sea training at the educational sailing center of the Academy, natatory practical training aboard a training vessel of the Academy, field experience in shore structures, connected with the navy activities, in public administration organs, in law machinery.

The graduates of the faculty possess deep knowledge, which is necessary for successful work in all structures of maritime complex. The deep studying of foreign languages with mastering maritime, law and economic terms helps in job placement in shipping companies, ports, maritime agencies, public administration organs, law machinery, commercial and other structures. The graduates of the faculty are a deposit of success and prosperity for any company.

Azov Maritime Institute of ONMA and Izmail Faculty

The admission to the Day Department began in 1998 on the basis of the Mariupol Correspondence Department, which in 2001 was transformed into Azov Marine Institute.

Training of specialists is carried out in full-time and correspondence form of education in the following special fields: “Navigation”, “Ship Power Plant Operation”, “Management”.

The Institute has the necessary laboratory and training base, a training ship – sea tug “Engineer Ponomarenko”, electrical and radio navigation chamber. There is a museum of the Azov Fleet.

In 2002 the first graduation of full-time Bachelors – navigators and marine engineers – took place.

Military Training Department

The Department undertakes training of Reserve officers for the Naval Forces of Ukraine in 10 military specialties. The Department is supplied with modern material and technical basis.

Training is carried out by the officers who have an extensive seagoing experience in the Navy and educational experience at the Academy.

Foreign Students’ Dean’s Office

2012 – 2013 years

One of the important tasks of the Academy is the integration into the European and international educational space. An important part of this integration is the training of foreign citizens in professions and their specialities.

Odessa National Maritime Academy prepares to work on ships in the following specialties:


Duration of studies: Bachelor – 4 years, Specialist – 1 year, Master-1.5 years. The full time of uninterrupted training is – 5.5 years. The training at the Academy is according to the contract. The contract price is as follows: 1st year – 24 205 UAH., 2nd year – 24 205 UAH., 3rd year – 24 205 UAH., 4th year – 24 205 UAH.

The cost of the preparatory course is 9930 UAH. Education is provided in Russian language. If the applicant does not speak Russian, the Academy has a preparatory branch. For studing at the preparatory branch persons must have full secondary education. Classes are conducted according to the programs of entrance examinations to higher educational institutions of Ukraine and include the studies of mathematics, physics, Russian language, computer science, chemistry and drawing. The teaching staff help the students to cope with language barrier, as to get to know the history of Ukraine, traditions of the Academy,the system and schemes of training.The preparatory course lasts 10 months. The training starts on the 1st of September of the current year.

To enter Ukraine a foreign citizen needs to get an invitation letter. For this aim he/she has to submit the following information: surname, name, date, month and year of birth, series and number of his national passport, nationality and permanent address.

In accordance with the law “On the Procedure for approval of fo

Listing Details

Teaching staff
>370 (50 doctors and professors, 150 candidates)
Students trained
  • Sea Navigation
  • Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics
  • Martime Law
  • Ships powe plants operations
  • Automation Faculty
  • Management of organization