Rejected Visa , What To Do ? – UKRAINE STUDENT VISA REJECTED Study in Ukraine

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Reject visa. What to do?


refuse Ukraine visa

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According to the ukrainian legislation consul has the right to refuse your visa. But in this case it must be indicated the reason of such decision.The reasons can be:

  • Necessity in national security or public order;
  • Necessity in protection of health, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of ukrainian citizens and residents of Ukraine;
  • Information about foreigners or stateless persons in the database, who can` enter the Ukraine according to the Ukrainian legislation;
  • When the passport of foreigner or stateless person is tampered, broken or does not meet the established standard;
  • Providing of false information or forged documents;
  • Violation of a foreigner or stateless person during his previous stay in Ukraine;
  • Mismatch target of visiting Ukraine;
  • The absence of documents confirming the intention of the alien or stateless person to leave the territory of Ukraine prior to the expiration of the visa;
  • Feeding a foreigner or a stateless person application about not reviewing its documents.

After the adoption of the decision Consul makes a mark in the passport: “address”, with the date of issue and the form of failure in which marked one of the above items and assured his signature. Providing Consul more information about the cause of failure, required by applicable law.

In case of visa rejection the foreigner or stateless person can appeal the decision, by providing a letter of appeal, addressed to the head of the authorized body, which considered the documents for a visa. The term of consideration of this letter is set for 2 months. In case of refusal to issue a visa on the grounds of appeal foreigner or a stateless person with such a request, the procedure for the adoption of the appeal is not provided.

If you think that the decision to refuse to issue a visa is not valid, our company is ready to assist you in preparing appeal letters with the request to review the decision to issue a visa.

OUR COMPANY CAN PREPARE FOR YOU APPEAL LETTER FOR REJECT VISA. ONLY FOR 200 usd and 50$ our commission  . and it can be paid through our account or western union

Reject visa. What to do?