Ukrainian National University of Pharmacy Kharkov – STUDY IN UKRAINE
Clinical Pharmacy Department (qualification – clinical pharmacist)
Trains specialists for clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, research centres in drug approval and pharmaceutical firms.
The Perfumery and Cosmetics Technology Department trains pharmacists-cosmetologists. The graduates of this department can work at perfumery and cosmetics as well as pharmaceutical enterprises with different forms of ownership, research centres and laboratories in perfumery and cosmetic products standardization and certification, cosmetological clinics and beauty salons.
Industrial Pharmacy Department trains engineers-technologists for chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical factories, small and joint manufactures.
In 2005 the pharmaceutical education in Ukraine will celebrate its 200 anniversary – anniversary of the National University of Pharmacy – one of the most prestigious higher educational establishments of Europe and world. The University has reached the great successes in highly skilled specialists training for Ukrainian and abroad field of pharmacy.
The history of the pharmaceutical education in Ukraine starts since 1805 when the department of pharmacy and medical literature began to train pharmacists.
1812 – on the basis of the pharmaceutical department of the medical faculty of the Kharkiv University the first pharmaceutical laboratory was organised.
1921 – Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute was opened.
1992 – Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy.
1999 – Ukrainian National Academy of Pharmacy.
2002 – National University of Pharmacy
NUPh has IV – the highest level of accreditation.
NUPh has prepared: more than 20,000 pharmacists, more than 300 engineers-technologists of the industrial pharmacy & approximately 4,000 specialists for 84 countries of world
UNAPh prepares specialists for:
Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical firms and Plants;
Clinics, Hospitals and other Medical Establishments;
Chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises;
Perfumery-cosmetic enterprises, firms, cosmetic clinics, cabinets; state inspections and laboratories in drugs quality control; scientific staff for educational establishments and scientific-research establishments of the pharmaceutical type.
Rector of the NUPh – Valentin Petrovich Chernykh , Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Chemistry, State prize-winner, associate-member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, Honoured inventor of Ukraine , head of the organic chemistry department, professor.
Languages of study : Russian, English, Ukrainian.
Duration of study : from 1 year up to 6 years, depending on the original education.
Forms of study : full-time, part-time, distance.
Material base of the University:
Training process is conducted on the basis of leading chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmacies, clinics of Kharkiv city and Ukraine .
Educational-industrial areas:
80 000 m2
11 academic buildings
5 hostels
Botanical garden
Experimental field
Equipment :
Satellite TV
Lingo-phone cabinets with the use of intensive technologies
510 computers
17 computer halls
Highly technical apparatuses
Modern apparatuses
Library :
Approximately 500 thousand volumes of educational and scientific literature
5 reading electronic halls
NUPh is the big centre of the pharmaceutical science
Scientific directions: Chemical synthesis and biologically active substances analysis, drugs of the synthetic origin creation.
Pharmacognostic study of the biologically active substances and drugs of the vegetable origin.
Making out the composition of receiving the biologically active substances and drugs of the native origin (except vegetable)
Pharmacological research of the biologically active substances and drugs of the synthetic and native origin, their application in the medical practice.
The pharmacy business organization, management and marketing in pharmacy.
Homeopathic drugs creation.
Working out the composition and technology of the veterinary drugs.
Medical-cosmetic remedies creation.
Pedagogic and psychology of the higher medical-pharmaceutical education.
Professorial and teaching staff consists of 625 persons:
67 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and more than 350 candidates of sciences, assistant professors
NUPh scientific-pedagogical staff training:
Magistrate in specialization “Pharmacist of the general profile”
Post-graduate training and doctorate in specializations:
14.03.05, 15.00.01, 15.00.02 – pharmaceutical, biological, medical sciences
Works Specialized senate for defence of Doctoral and Candidate dissertations in 3 specializations (since 1937)
14.03.05 – “Pharmacology” (pharmaceutical sciences)
15.00.01 – “Drugs technology and pharmaceutical business organization”
15.00.02 – “Pharmaceutical chemistry and Pharmacognosy”
State publishing house (4 editions) exists in the NUPh
NUPh publishes national scientific-practical and scientific-popular editions:
journals “Vestnik farmacii” (“News of Pharmacy”), (Ukrainian)
“Klinicheskaya farmaciya” (“Clinical Pharmacy”), (Ukrainian)
“Organichna ta farmazevtichna khimiya” (“Organic and pharmaceutical chemistry”), (Ukrainian-Russian-English), newspaper “Molodist’ farmacii” (“Youth of Pharmacy”), (Ukrainian-Russian)
Specializations in Economic
Here one can get qualification of a Bachelor of Economics. After graduation, the specialists may work at pharmacies, home and foreign pharmaceutical firms, chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises. Quality, standard and certification.
In order to increase the competitive capacity and to create foundation for domestic manufacturers to enter foreign markets, it is necessary to establish and introduce efficient quality control systems. This department trains specialists for accomplishment of such control.
All foreign applicants are admitted to the mentioned above departments by results of testing and interviews.
The Ukrainian National Academy of Pharmacy has trained more than 3 thousand specialists for 70 countries of the world. The graduates of the Academy take the key posts in the national health service of their States, compete successfully with graduates of higher schools of France, Canada , Great Britain and others.
The quality of specialist training in the Ukrainian National Academy of Pharmacy is provided by:
· Optimal organization of the learning process
· Content of education and control of knowledge (up-to-date curricula, programs and computerization)
· Use of the achievements of the world pharmaceutics
· Consideration of specificity of health care systems in foreign countries
The course Curricula is adapted in accordance with foreign countries orientation. Tests in specialties are adapted to the qualification requirements of foreign countries.
After the graduation from the Academy the specialists can have further training in their specialty and continue their studies in a postgraduate course.
Listing Details
· Pharmacy (Duration – 5 years)
· Clinical Pharmacy (5 years)
· Perfumery and Cosmetic Technology (5 years)
· Industrial Pharmacy (5 years)
· Management in Production Sphere (4 years)
· Economy of Enterprises (4 years)
· Marketing (4 years)
· Quality, Standards, Certification ( post-graduate education, duration – 1 year)